Friday, May 7, 2010

Blog Abandonment

I surmise that if abandoning your blogging activities were illegal the punishment would be 30 days of continuous Burl Ives music interrupted every so often with Napolitano singing “Homegrown Fantasy”. Thankfully, it is not illegal but it is rather rude, and I apologize to my loyal readers. However, there are many reasons, often called excuses, for my absence. Namely, I fell victim to the constant whining of news reporters telling me more about Wall Street insiders and a certain golf swinger than I wanted to know. All that greed, corruption and bad ethics just simply over whelmed me. Way too many sleazy stories to write about! It is not my fault….I am a victim!

But a few prayers and a new pair of good shoes have helped me walk off my victimization of immoral information overload and see much clearer that the world needs my blog. That is, a blog that is a fun place to discuss today’s errant ethical behavior and dream back to the days when we were kids and the world didn’t not look so harsh.

My generation lived through most of our lives on our own; honestly and with confidence of a future. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles but rarely did anyone of us die of an accidental overdose. There were no locks on doors or cabinets but we didn’t steal our Dad’s gun to show off at school, we certainly knew better. The old right from wrong thing, remember? We even rode our bikes wearing baseball caps not helmets on our heads, yet rarely left our brains on the sidewalk. And we told the truth about the baseball that went through Mrs. Andrew’s window. Yes, those were the days. They felt honest and pure.

Today’s events proclaim a dirty little world of under ground, under cover shenanigans where money and sex are manipulated – sometimes one for the other. A world where the really bad guys escape the hurt and mayhem in their limos while the rest of us scratch our heads saying, “Well, if that don’t beat all”. During my recent over whelm period, now known as my Toxic Grey Phase, I saw conspiracy in every event. When our government leaders blamed the NY car bomb attempt on patriotic American citizens, I realized that this conspiracy thing is not just affecting me. It is like we have sides and can’t trust the guy on the other side. That would be fine if it were just evil against good, a standard known as reality, but today there are MANY sides and none of them trust the other. Having too many sides, too many rights, too many wrongs is hardly reality so no wonder most of us are left in moral malaise.

What we need to do is turn off the news media, take a walk, and read a book....make that the “Good Book” and things begin to clear up. It is amazing how our computer like brains can shift back to reality where we choose our own personal ‘right’ without being led or misled. Clarity of this nature opens eyes and hearts and even in this dirty little world we can experience joy.

It appears that my Toxic Grey Phase has been replaced…no, no, not Pollyanna or Blonde Bliss! I am now in my Bright Phase….a clear, sharp, un-victimized, joyful person. Feels good.

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